Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Too many ways to express,
too many ways to start,
too many ways to end,
and too many ways to forget.

When you met someone who's truly became the most important person in your life,
you will make yourself blind indirectly.
Prejudice, jealousy, insecureness, carelessness, ignorant, lies and truth, limitation, despondent situation, every single of it will exist in our life literally.
It depends on how you compromise and compress them into a tiny little space in your heart.

Look wider, think wider.
Remember the good points.
Forget the bad.
Promises are still promises.
Limitation is still limitation.
As long as we accept, we forgive and we forget, everything will be fine.

Always trust in ourselves.
Always put ourselves in the 1st place.
Love ourselves 1st.

We should be selfish 1st so that we can protect the other half.
We think before we act.
If we're stubborn to do something that will bring the bad consequences, we should be ready for everything.
When we still feel bad, we should tell ourselves that not to find problems exist but to solve the problems that exist.

Appreciate for what others had done to us before is too late.
So that we won't regret in future.
We, as human beings will never realise the most goods till we're about to lose.
If we realised our mistakes, we should change to a better one and stop repeating our mistakes.

p/s: I am referring to everyone.

Monday, February 22, 2010


Please visit http://immissyjoc.blogspot.com/
She wrote beautiful poem, shared meaningful facts and she tells out from her own heart.
She has a beautiful heart with no prejudice and jealousy.

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